Veteran singer Suresh Wadkar’s daughter Jiya Wadkar is now ready to debut as singer. Jiya has sung for Yogaytan Production’s PARI HOON MAIN. Recently the title song “Mothya Mothya Latanvar…” was recorded in the voice of Jiya Wadkar and Mandar Pilwalkar. The lyrics are written by Sachin Pathak, music composed by Sameer Saptiskar.
Rohit Shilwant directed PARI HOON MAIN is passionate journey of a middle class fanily to gain their goal. The film stars Nandu Madhav, Devika Daftardar, Shruti Nigde and Flora Saini. Yogaytan group chairman Dr. Rajendra Pratap Singh and Sheela Rajendra Singh has produced the film. The cinematography is by Rohan Madakaikar, art direction by Narendra Bhagat.
Sanjay Gujar is co-producer and Kunal Maheta is creative producer.
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