Actor-producer Vipul Roy’s chat show ‘Viral vith Vipul’ has garnered a huge response in the past few months. The show had guests from all feilds- Vivek Dahiya and Divyanka Tripathi, Gurmeet Choudhary and Debina Bonnerjee, Kiku Sharda, Terence Lewis,Tushar Kapoor and Director Farhad Samjh and many more had viewers rolling in laughter. The show has finally wrapped up and in its finale episode had musician and singer Sonu Nigam along with Sanjay Chitale as guests on the show.
Ask Vipul if he called Sonu due to the ongoing controversy on music mafia in showbiz and he said, “No, I don’t feel my show’s concept was about digging controversial answers. It is a fun show and relevant during these times when people are at home and need to entertain themselves. Sonuji has a perfect sense of humour and a great comic timing too. Everyone knows how he entertains crowds during his concerts. In fact, the most funny thing that came out from the show, was his fear of Cockroaches. Sonu confessed how he is most scared of Cockroaches. This was funny and such other interesting trivia set the ball rolling for the entire episode.”
Vipul plans to come back with the second season soon. For now, check out the finale episode and enjoy yourself watching those witty oneliners and humour in ‘Viral with Vipul’.
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