Music reality show star and singer Shilpa Surroch who became a popular name in the industry after she was a contestant on The Voice India Season 2, is a happy girl these days. The singer who has sung for films Ekkees Tareekh Shubh Muhurat, Black Bud, Murari The Mad Gentleman, Game over, Mirror Game and Vikram Bhatt’s shows, recently got an opportunity to meet the legendary Pyarelal of the famous music composer duo Laxmikant – Pyarelal at an event organised by the Indian Film & Television Directors’ Association. She said, “It was a blessing to have attended the event and be in the same space as the legendary Pyarelal Ji. They are such talented gems of our country that even listening to their music, you get to learn a lot. If I ever get an opportunity to sing for him or to work under him, it will be an honour and privilege. There are so many young musicians in the country and we all look up to the legendary Laxmikant -Pyarelal.”
Singer Shilpa Surroch bagged a Bollywood film
The event was moderated by Salim Merchant who was also, Shilpa’s Coach during the reality show “The Voice” and Shilpa had a great time clicking pictures with both. She said, “I am looking at a great career in Bollywood and have a huge amount of work to do. Also, now work is not restricted to Bollywood music. There are ample platforms to explore music possibilities and this event was one such reason and space to meet stalwarts of Indian music.”
Shilpa Surroch wins audiences’ hearts with her captivating voice
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