Mumbai girl Shilpa Surroch is making heads turn with her soul-stirring numbers. The singer has lent her voice to many television reality shows like Super Dancer, India’s Best Judwaa, LG ad, OLX ads, Myntra ad of Hrithik Roshan and the voice of FM one liners for Red FM. She is the voice behind the title track of famous web series “Twisted”, “Tantra” and “Hadh” by Vikram Bhatt. She recently recorded the title song for web series ‘Maaya-2’. She also performs Live and recently performed for SPYKAR, Nature’s Basket(Godrej), etc.
Ask her about her journey in the field of music and she says, “Indian TV music reality shows give us a great opportunity to showcase our talent. Thanks to The Voice India Season 2” aired on “&TV” many renowned names of the music industry know about my talent and this gave me an opportunity to work with Benny Dayal.”
She was also awarded best singer for ‘Aye Ajnabi-Twisted’ (Web Series by Vikram Bhatt) by Indian Wikimedia Awards, one of the first digital awards curated by AltBalaji. She was also nominated for ITA (India Television Academy) Awards in the best singer category. Not only that, the singer sings in many languages and she sings in Spanish, English and Hindi for Music Mojo (Kappa TV).
While she is still new to Bollywood music, the singer has also sung for films like Black Bud, Murari The Mad Gentleman, Game Over, Mirror Game (International Production House). She says, “It is all about hard work and opportunity. You need to be at the right place and right time. I feel grateful to Vikram Bhatt (filmmaker) for giving me opportunity to sing for him. While she has sung for Indian audiences, Shilpa also got an opportunity to sing rhymes for a Singapore based company – WOW Kidz Junior.
The singer is now looking at a career in Bollywood and wants to sing for more Bollywood films. While she is a name that connects with audiences now, she feels there is more to go. She says, “I have a lot to achieve. Also, now work is not just restricted to Bollywood music. There are a variety of platforms which explore our music talent.”
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