One of this year’s most anticipated Bollywood movies, “SAYONEE” recently had its trailer and music launch amidst the star cast and Mika Singh, Vindoo Dara Singh, Zayed Khan, Nishant Malkani, Producer Mohammad Morani, Lucky Morani.
The announcement of the film and the release of the title track piqued the interest of millions of fans across the globe that right after the release of the trailer and the music, YouTube channel of T-Series was bombarded with views and comments of appreciation.
The film marks the debut of very talented Tanmay Ssingh who will be seen playing the lead role opposite Musskan Sethi.
A musical action thriller that will keep you hooked with its gripping narrative from the word go.
Burning the midnight oil to ensure the success of the film, the music of Sayonee is gold. With singers like Arijit Singh, B Praak, the music album is touted to be the biggest album of 2020-2021.
‘Sayonee’ is one of those soundtracks which even today, more than two decades since its release, is still a much-loved song of thousands of music connoisseur and fanatics all across the globe.
Overwhelmed with the response of the trailer, Lucky and Mohomed Morani said, “We are indeed excited that theatres have opened up and the film can seen by the audience. Tanmay and Muskaan are extremely talented young actors. I wish both of them all the success for Sayonee and their future. The music album of the film is it’s USP. We hope the audience loves it as much as we loved making it”
Looking forward to the release of the film, the lead action Tanmay Ssingh said “I am excited and looking forward to the release. It’s my debut and very special. Everything about this film is supreme, story line, music, I hope audience loves it as much as we loved making it.”
The film will be release on 18th December in the theatres.
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