Actors Ranveer Singh and Pankaj Tripathi the two sides of the coin in Bollywood. Both the actors represent a different kind of cinema in their own ways. Ranveer Singh is a highly power-packed and electrifying performer in commercial Bollywood films. Whereas the versatile actor Pankaj Tripathi represents a very different kind of cinema that is content-based and appeals to the masses. Even though both the actors represent two different genres of cinema has immense love for each as co-actors and as human beings. They do not shy away to showcase their love for each other on any platform.
Recently both Ranveer and Pankaj shared for a shoot and they both couldn’t stop raving each other’s performances. The duo surely has the charisma and zing to attract the audience towards them as well showcasing their fondness towards each other. Here are some candid pictures from their meeting!
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