30 year old Actor Purushottam Gowda will be seen playing a cross dresser in EORTV;’s upcoming original series titled You complete Me directed by Deepak Pandey. The platform which showcases and celebrates only LGBTQ content will be dealing with bi sexuality as the core centre of the story in the show.
Speaking about his role, Purushottam Gowda said, “My character named Ramaneek in You Complete Me, is like the tadka in dal. I play the role of Tanya’s best friend who is like closest to her, her sounding board with whom she discusses everything that’s going on in her life. Throughout my acting career I have done many character roles like that of a tantrik, a goon, a senapati, a comical pandit… but this one is special. It was fun to work with a team on sets, I had the liberty to be myself yet doing complete justice to the character of Ramneek.”
He added, “I wear really fun, colourful, vibrant costumes in the show because I am identified as a cross dresser. Cross-dressing, in the past has been used for purposes of disguise, comfort, comedy, and self-expression and you will know why i do so in the show once you guys watch it.”
Purushottam has earlier worked in shows like Trideviyan, Peshwa Bajirao, Chandrakanta, Dil Hi toh Hai and many more.
The web show You Complete Me is all set to explore bisexual relationships and talk about the bigger story of ‘Love is Love.’ India’s First LGBTQ focused platform EORTV’s show is directed by Deepak Pandey & produced by Dreamzz Images. Raj Kumar will be playing one of the lead actors in the show along with actors Punit Bhatia and Luviena Lodh.
Speaking about the show, Director, Deepak Pandey said, “Relationship dynamics are always complex be it within straight people or people from the LGBTQ community. Human heart is very changeable which holds true for anyone. You Complete Me is a story about intense human relationships which we see around us in everyday lives. Our stories aim to integrate the LGBTQ community into the mainstream, when you see their problems are no different from ours. it’s easier to accept them as a part of the mainstream.”
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