Producer and Director Kumar Raj’s film ‘Tara: The Journey Of Love And Passion’ has already broken the World Record by winning over 229 awards and is still on the journey to be one of the most acclaimed films with 330 official selections and screenings worldwide . Recently feature film ‘Tara’ won Best Film Award & Best Actress Award at ‘Sasee Film Award 2021’ held on 12th May 2021 in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu. ‘Tara’ and Kumar Raj have written their names in the history with golden words by winning 229 awards and 330 selections & screenings in international film festival worldwide.
Sasee Film Awards 2021 was organized by Vivi Media. It was held in Kumbakonam town, which is located 40 kms away from Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu. Kumbakonam is known mainly for its temples, monasteries, silk, brass and prestigious educational institutes.
The film features six melodious songs which are on T-series. ‘Tara’ is written by Dr. Prof. Kishen Pawar. Lead actress of the film is Rekha Rana (recipient of 40 international awards) along with an amazing cast that includes Aashish Salim and Rohan Shroff.
Talking about this award and Journey of Tara, Kumar Raj says, “With the amount of hard work & efforts we all had put in this film, our team was assured of its success. We all are extremely happy that even after breaking the world records my film has not stopped receiving appreciation & awards and is setting a bar for others. We have won awards from all around the world, even in those places where Indian films have never gone before. Tara is very close to my heart and I pray that everyone gets to see this beautiful successful women empowerment film. Tara is on Amazon USA, Canada, Japan , Germany , also on ITunes & Mx player for every one to watch in various counties & languages.
“I am really happy that ‘Tara’ received best Indian feature film award & Best Actress award at Sasee Film Awards,” added Kumar Raj with pride.
Speaking about his upcoming film, Kumar Raj says, “Due to the current situation and lockdown the release of our upcoming feature film “Ameena” with award winning actress Rekha Rana is delayed but I assure you that we will be ready for the release by the end of this year.”
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