Actor Jitendra Joshi today announced the release date of his film ‘Godavari’ on social media. He pays special tribute to his late friend, legendary director Nishikant Kamat on his second death anniversary in this special video shot on the banks of river Godavari.
Jio Studios presentation, produced by Blue Drop Films and Jitendra Joshi Pictures, ‘Godavari’ will hit the theaters on November 11. The film stars Jitendra Joshi in the lead role along with Vikram Gokhale, Neena Kulkarni, Sanjay Mone and Priyadarshan Jadhav.
Expressing his feelings, Jitendra Joshi said, “When Nishikant left us, I felt very lonely. I was looking for him in every story. Questioning his absence, wanting his presence around me. And while searching for the same, I started talking to Godavari and that’s where I found Nishikant. I miss him even today.”
Godavari is the story of Nishikant (played by Jitendra Joshi), a man who has wandered away from his family, lives a non-existent life, and finds answers to all these complex questions near the river Godavari, which he hated for so many years.
So far Godavari has been honored by many Indian as well as global film festival awards. Recently, the film was selected among the top 10 films of 2021 in India. It was also selected as the opening film at the New York Indian Film Festival 2022. Importantly, Jitendra Joshi won the Silver Peacock Award for Best Actor at IFFI 2021 and Nikhil Mahajan won the Special Jury Award for Best Director. At the Pune International Film Festival 2022, Nikhil Mahajan was awarded the Best Director Award and Shamin Kulkarni the Best Cinematography Award. AV Prafulla Chandra won the Special Jury Best Music Award. Godavari also had its world premiere at the Vancouver International Film Festival 2021 and its Asia Pacific premiere at the New Zealand International Film Festival 2021.
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