Ishwak Singh who was last seen in Veere Di Wedding, will be seen featuring opposite renowned Sri Lankan stars Jackson Anthony and Piumi Hansamali, Tamil actor and filmmaker Ramakrishnan and leading Malyali actress Mythili Balchandran in a South Indian film “Lucknow”.
The actor who recently got the air buzzing with his “Biryani Act” is all set to showcase grey shades in the Anil Kumar directorial. Ishwak will be seen delivering dialogues in Tamil, Malayalam and Sinhalese.
The Veere Di Wedding actor, who is a Punjabi himself, took up the challenge of learning the three languages for the film. During a confrontation scene between him and Ramakrishnan, the entire cast and crew present at the set started a huge round of applause because of the intense scene work between the two. “It felt like being on stage and everyone present became the Audience”. This scene was shot thrice, with the same response every time.
Ishwak Singh after practising for just about three days delivered his first dialogue with so much ease and perfection that the entire cast and crew applauded his performance for one of the scene in the film.
Because of his performance in this film and the previous Malyalam film Mohavalyam, Ishwak has also been approached by a leading filmmaker from South who plans to remake his award winning film in Hindi.
This film has been remade in 5 languages and has received critical as well as commercial success. The filmmaker intends to cast Ishwak along with a very senior actor from Bollywood.
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