The scintillating face of television shows and now Bollywood, Hina Khan is grabbing films back to back. After her red carpet stunning appearance at Cannes Film Festival recently, she would be once again seen with her debutant director and international film maker Rahat Kazmi.
The director who has written and directed many films and has worked with legends like Marc Buschet, launched Hina Khan into Bollywood with his film Lines, which made the headlines lately.
After Cannes, the actress had extended her stay in Europe which was presumed to be her vacation but recently, she was spotted with Rahat Kazmi and team, perhaps shooting for her next venture.
Rahat Kazmi confirmed the rumors saying, “We have signed Hina Khan for three films consecutively and here, in Europe, we are working on our next film where once again Hina Khan would be in a leading role.”
On asking as what made you cast Hina Khan again, the director answered with a smile saying he had never imagined that she would be such a professional and hard-working actress. He added, “Hina gets into the skin of the character she is playing. She is so realistic and dedicated that we signed three films in a row without giving it a second thought.”
The actress who keep her fans updated on social media through her vacation and shoot pictures, said she is glad to shoot in Europe with Rahat Kazmi and team. She excitedly said, “Our next film is being shot in some of the most beautiful locations of Europe and through this, even I am getting to explore a lot. Anyone who loves to travel would love to watch the scenic beauty captured and portrayed in the film.”
Hina Khan is an enthusiastic traveller and that is well explicit from her Instagram pictures. Talking about her next film, she said, “The character which I am playing is very different from Lines, where the role demanded being a simple Kashmiri girl, however, in my next, which is titled, Wish List, the role which I am playing is close to my heart as the character resembles a lot to who I am in real life.”
Wish list is co-written by Vimalesh Godeswar with Rahat Kazmi, produced by Rahat Kazmi Films, Tariq Khan Productions and Zeba Said Films, Co-produced by Hiro’s Faar Better Films & Riaan Rai Films in association with Ahmed Abbas Films, Assad Motion Pictures and Seven 2 Creations.
Nevertheless, Rahat Kazmi is famous for writing and directing out-of-the-box movies. Some of his famous work includes Identity Card (2014), Mantostaan (2017), while four of his greatest work namely Lihaaf, 2 Band Radio, Oxygen and Lines are yet to release. He is internationally acclaimed director whose several movies have premiered in International Film Festivals all over the world. Recently, he released the first look of Lines at Cannes, through which Hina Khan will step into Bollywood.
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