Child actor Abhishek Sharrma, who was last seen playing the role of Pranav, Vidya Balan’s son in one of the acclaimed movie Tumhari Sulu recently had a fan boy moment with the television beauty Divyanka Tripathi. But what many people know that television beauty is a bag fan of Abhishek too.
Yes, Abhishek Sharrma and Divyanka Tripathi bumped into each other at an event. Abhishek is such a big fan of Divyanka’s show that he never misses a chance to watch the show. He gets emotional during the scenes and goes on flow with it. When he met Divyanka, he couldn’t control his emotions and was very happy tand both shared a fan moment with each other.
When asked Abhishek about the same, he said, “I am a big fan of Divyanka Mam and when I met her, I was happy. I was overwhelmed with her sweet gesture. She was amazed with my talent of natural crying during the emotional scenes of the movie Tumhari Sulu. I hope to work someday with her in the future.”
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