Trushant Ingle started his directorial career with the Marathi film “Zollywood”. Now the director Trushant is making his acting debut and has a major role in the Hindi film “Midnight Delhi” – The Dark Underbelly of Capital City, film by cinematographer turned director Rakesh Rawat. The film has been now selected for the India International Film Festival Boston, Chicago South Asia Film Festival, which will be held from September 27 to October 2. The film was also screened in Singapore South Asian International Film Festival 2018, New York Indian Film Festival 2019. The film won award for ‘Best Editor’ in Singapore South Asian International Film Festival 2018.
There are entangled stories of other troubled souls, whose fates are sewn together, carrying all the possible version of truth; each version as real as the last one. This Night will turn the lives of each and every one.
Trushant Ingle had caught the attention of the people with the film Zollywood. The film is set on Jhadipatti Theater. Amit Masurkar who has given films like Newton, Sulemani Kida is creative producer and presenter. Zollywood was selected in various international film festivals including IFFSA – Toronto (International Film Festival South Asia – Toronto, Canada).
After experiencing direction, Trushant Ingle says about making his acting debut in the film “Midnight Delhi” that life is uncertain and it is impossible to predict what will happen with any person or his loved ones in the next moment. That is the crux of the story of movie “Midnight Delhi”.
Rakesh Rawat has directed Midnight Delhi. He won the Best Debut Director for this film in Rajasthan International Film Festival held at Jaipur. “My role in this film is of a common man. This man with a financial debt walks on the path of violence. I am very happy that this film is selected in the International Film Festival,” adds Trushant.
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