Deepika Aggarwal, the talented actress known for her roles in TV shows and movies, has recently bagged another exciting project. She will be playing the similar character Kareena Kapoor from the movie ‘Jab We Met,’ in her upcoming Punjabi film ‘Ucha Dar Babe Nanak Da’.’ The film also stars experienced actors like Jimmy Shergill, Isha Rikhi, and Tanya Chauhan.
The movie is set to be shot in the exotic locations of Canada and Jalandhar, promising a visual treat for the audience. It is expected to be a heart-warming tale of love, hope, and self-discovery, with Deepika playing a pivotal role. Her fans are eagerly waiting to see her in this new avatar and are sure that she will do justice to the character.
Deepika Aggarwal has previously appeared in the popular daily soap Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2, where she played the role of a fashion designer. She made her debut in the Punjabi film industry with the movie ‘Ji Wife Ji’ for which she received a lot of love from her fans. She has also appeared in several other TV shows and films, showcasing her versatility as an actress.
On bagging another Punjabi movie with an experienced actor like Jimmy Shergill, Deepika Aggarwal said, “I feel extremely blessed to have the opportunity to work with such talented actors and be a part of this amazing project. It’s a dream come true for me to play Kareena Kapoor’s character in ‘Jab We Met.’ I am grateful for the love and support that I have received from my fans and hope to do justice to this character.”
Deepika Aggarwal’s fans are eagerly waiting for the release of ‘Ucha Dar Babe Nanak Da’ and are excited to see her in this new role. With her talent and hard work, there’s no doubt that she will leave a lasting impression on the audience with her performance in the movie. We wish her all the best for this exciting project and hope to see her in many more such roles in the future.