Anshuman Jha, the Mumbai based film and theater actor best known for his work in his debut Feature Film ‘Love, Sex Aur Dhokha’ & the recent ‘Hum Bhi Akele, Tum Bhi Akele’ – will soon begin shooting for his Directorial debut with ‘Lord Curzon Ki Haveli’ in London. The film was initially supposed to go on floors in March 2020, but unfortunately suffered a long delay due to the pandemic. The film stars ‘Mirzapur’ and ‘Out Of Love’ fame Rasika Dugal along with the ‘Made In Heaven’ star Arjun Mathur in the lead roles amongst others.’
On getting to resume shooting in London, Anshuman Jha had this to say, “‘I work for fulfillment, not achievements. 2022 is the year of fulfillment with ‘Lord Curzon Ki Haveli’ finally going on floor. The whole world saw a major setback with almost everything coming to a standstill during the first wave of the Covid-19, with the entertainment industry being no exception. While the pandemic delayed us with the first wave in March 2020 & subsequently with the second wave in 2021, I am grateful that we are finally going on floors now. We are excited as a unit and hoping to finish filming soon.’
Anushman Jha has quite a few good titles to his name as an actor like 2014’s comedy drama ‘Yeh Hai Bakrapur’ & the 2018 success ‘Angrezi Mein Kehte Hain’ as a leading man. He also acted in X: Past Is Present (2015), Chauranga (2016), Mona Darling (2017), and No Fathers In Kashmir (2019). His 2020 Web show Mastram has had over a billion views on MX Player. He turned producer with his film Mona Darling under his banner First Ray Films. He was also seen as the Lead Character of “Bhola” in the Biggest Bollywood Musical of India – Jhumroo – at Kingdom of Dreams in Gurgaon from February 2016 to March 2017. He was also voted as the “Advertising Face of the Year 2011” by CNBC-TV18’s Storyboard.
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