Rakshabandhan: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal actor Ajay Sharma enjoys playing his character and says it makes him feel commanding and opulent. “Rakshabandhan has a superb concept. The title itself is very catchy. Rajasthani shows have always been a hit amongst audiences as they offer so many colours and fragrances of their rich culture,” he said.
“It’s fantastic to feel larger than life in a rich attire of an influential character. You feel so commanding and opulent while playing such a role,” he added. While he was a kid, he had seen such characters in his village Ramgarh, Sikar district in Rajasthan. “It is called SETHO KA RAMGARH. Many business families like Ruias have their roots in this village, so yes I can very much relate to a character like Ratan Singh,” he said.
According to Ajay Sharma, for an actor, sometimes it gets difficult to leave the character on sets because you are playing and living that character for 12 hours a day, but that’s where your acting training comes in handy and helps to leave it behind as soon as a cut is called.
He gels with everyone on the show’s set. “I’m a very friendly and jovial person. I always like to listen to people about their lives and experiences. Being a patient listener, I get to learn a lot from other human beings. I also love and respect every soul on earth,” he said.
“The set ambiance is very conducive and friendly. Everyone is so professional in their respective jobs yet very warm and welcoming,” he added. Rakshabandhan: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal is produced by Yash and Mamta Patnaik’s Beyond Dreams. “Yash and Mamta are a great team of producers. They are as much creative as productive. They have produced wonderful content in the past also. Their sense of storytelling is so gripping and meaningful that an audience member can’t lose interest in it. No wonder they have made Beyond Dreams a great brand in the TV industry. I feel really fortunate and honoured to be working with them,” Ajay Sharma said.
He wants his fans to stay tuned to the show. “Kal khel mein hum ho na ho, gardish mein taare rahenge sada, so just stay tuned to the show as it’s about to offer some new characters to entertain you,” he said.