Bollywood actress Rekha Rana was recently spotted supporting her dear friend Palash Dutta and Renuka Shahane at the screening of their short film “Silent Ties” The actress was seen along with various other directors, producers and television actors for the screening.
When asked Rekha Rana about the short film she stated, “Silent Ties is a beautiful film portrayed via the message of Raksha Bandhan. The film spreads the message of love and equality. It conveys us to support every kind of relationship that the humankind builds. I’m very happy for my friend Palash and Renuka as it needs lots of courage for carrying out such a unique character. I wish them all the very best for all their future projects.”
Rekha Rana who is a recipient of 35 international and national awards for the movie “Tara: The Journey of Love and Passion”. She has also recently made her directorial debut with the music video ‘Jogiya’ which was recently released under the banner of T-Series.
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