Theatre artist Abhishekh Khan is heaping praises from all across the nation for his digital debut in ‘Bard of Blood’. He is seen playing an impressive character of Nusrat Marri who is the leader of Baluchistan Armed forces (BAF). To get into the skin of the character Abhishekh went through lot of hard work and preparation. The actor had to literally lose 9 kgs and got tanned to get the real look for his role as Nusrat. He even underwent gun training & language training to appear as a true 19 year old Balochi.
When asked Abhishekh about his experience playing Nusrat he adds, “I feel Lucky to work for such a big production house. Above all I was on cloud nine, when Shahrukh sir wished me and remembered me as Nusrat at the premier.”
The Netflix streaming web-series ‘Bard of Blood’ that is based on the novel written by Bilal Siddiqui and is a political spy thriller, directed by Ribhu Dasgupta and produced by Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment.
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