Child actor Abhishek Sharma, who was seen playing Bollywood actress Vidya Balan’s son in the show Tumhari Sulu, is not only a good student but also a talented child actor. The actor, who won hearts of all in the film, recently shot for a popular chocolate ad with actress Khushi Joshi for Raksha Bandhan and the actor is already receiving huge accolades for it. Ask him about it and he says, “I love the festival of Rakhi and shooting for the ad was interesting as I had to play the younger brother of this actress. I love surprising my sister with beautiful gifts and I was doing the same in this ad film too.”
Meanwhile, the actor has done interesting short films with prolific directors like Vir Hirani (son of Raju Hirani) and will be part of a Bollywood film which is being directed by Rajat Kapoor. Ask him about it and he innocently says, “I don’t understand much about what is good or bad but whatever is offered to me, I do it with my whole heart. Then everything good, follows. Even when I did Tumhari Sullu, I just did my scenes well. And then everyone was recognising me at school and on the streets.”
Abhishek has also done many other ads for big brands like Rasna and Nataraj along with Vadilal Ice Cream and Coldarain syrup, and recently shot for the promo of a cartoon channel.
Doing his work to perfection and enjoying his work, while he also studies at school, Abhishek is going places, and why not?
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