Silent film RAAKH is selected for 53rd Goa International Film Festival of India Film Market. This is one of the Marathi films sent by Maharashtra government for the film festival. Minister of Cultural Affairs Mr. Sudhir Mungantiwar has recently announced about the selection of RAAKH. Every year the festival selects the finest films from the film industry, and showcases the best films from India and the world. The film has tagline “Silence has a language of its own”.
The acclaimed film RAAKH has received awards at several international and national film festivals even before its release, especially since RAAKH is a complete silent film. This experiment is being appreciated from all levels in the film industry. The film RAAKH is written and directed by Rajesh Chavan and the producers Yogesh Golatkar, Kunal Prabhu and Rajesh Chavan have produced this film for the first time through the organization ‘Media PRO Digital’. Talented actors Sandeep Pathak and Ashwini Giri stars in this film. Both the actors have received awards in many national and international festivals.
Based on the backdrop of the Corona pandemic, the film portrays the painful reality of the migrant laborers who faced with the unemployment crisis as the daily wage laborers lose their jobs due to the sudden lockdown.
The International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Asia’s oldest and India’s largest international film festival is being held in Goa from November 20. Being selected in the film market in the said festival, the producers and director of the film RAAKH thanked the Manager / Director, Maharashtra Film, Theater and Cultural Development Corporation, Government of Maharashtra and NFDC and the experts in the selection committee.
The cinematography is by Ramesh Shelke, art by Raju Sapte, editing by Kunal Prabhu, music by Piyush Kanojiya, sound design by Devraj Biswal, Foley by Karan Arjun Singh, 5.1 mixing by Bibin Dev and D.I. by Sujit Borah.