Vision Corporation Ltd had launched the Asia’s First Fashion Television Channel, Indian Fashion TV which will showcase the culture Of Indian Fashion globally. The event was attended by actress Varsha Usgaonkar, Kishori Shahane, A. K. Mishra (Chairman), S. Ramakrishnan (CFO), Vishal Desai (director) and many other film and fashion personalities.
Indian culture is globally popular and is in high demand. Through this channel Indian culture and fashion weeks will be aligned to viewers across the world. The channel will be the global platform for designers, fashion industry, culture and lifestyle. The target audience will be categorised in three groups that will drive the channel – state, city, designing, a platform an opportunity for the designer to expand their artistic qualities at global level. All the culture will be covered showing the fashion design and the key market will be India and global. The primary influencers on a National level will be the Bollywood celebrities. All the events and movies covering fashions and designs will be showcased on this unique channel.
On the occasion of the channel launch the Chairman of Vision Corporation Ltd A K Mishra quoted, “I am proud and honored to launch the country’s first and the only fashion channel of Asia, Indian fashion TV, from various metro cities to rural areas, attracting different aspects of Indian fashion and culture. Hope the viewers will love Indian fashion TV. India has a diversified culture .From north to south or east to west one can easily differentiate with the fashion style, culture, designs and trends. As India is a land of monuments and designers often get inspired by their designs also. I really appreciate the idea of bringing a television channel which will showcase India’s fashion. Many international designers get inspired by India’s background. This channel will surely prove to be a great platform for the budding designers as well”.
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