The child actor Abhishek Sharrma has become the most popular Indian star kids on the social media networking sites ever since he joined the social media world. The cute kid who was last seen in hit film Tumhari Sulu with the talented actress Vidya Balan, can easily be called as a show stealer as his charm is still been visible on his social media accounts. In a span of just one month Abhishek seems to has taken over the internet by storm in keeping his fans updated with his ongoing projects and his day to day fulfilled life routine.
His popularity can be visibly seen by his followers count which has outgrown in leaps and bounds in such a short duration thereby making him as one of the most popular child actor. His fans are awestruck by his cuteness as his this particular video of him showing off his moves on Punjabi songs for his uncle’s wedding got a high number of hits in just few minutes. That is not all! This multi talented kid shows best of his mimickery skills through few fun dubsmash videos proving yet again that he is filled with abundance of talent.
According to sources close to him, it is known that many young fans are going ahead and sending him personal messages on his account to get more information of his life. The adorable lad who was also seen in the short film ‘My Mother’s Wedding’ has made his fans berserk and has gained positive response from audience and industry members.
Adding further, source says Abhishek is a gadget freak and loves to use apps for his inquisitiveness about cars and various other science related topics which is reflected in his post on social media.
Kids these days are smart and adapt to environment more quickly and they are well aware of the new technologies and apps that make them confident at a very early age and Abhishek Sharrma the child actor is one such example.
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