‘Sukhmani in Bed’ is a popular and much talked about chat show on Instagram Live and after having many celebs like Minisha Lamba, Sonal Chauhan, Karishma Sharma, Ira Dubey, Rj Malishka, Mandy Takhar, Ridhima Pandit, Kubra Sait, Karishma Kotak and Tanisha Mukerji on the show, now actress Zareen Khan will be the next guest on Sukhmani Sadana’s show. The Wajah Tum Ho and Aksar 2 actress will have candid chats with Content Creator and Host Sukhmani and with Zareen’s fans- cosy in bed. All those who like her can tune in to the show, tonight!
In addition, the actress will also share details on her upcoming film ‘Hum Bhi Akele Tum Bhi Akele’ where she plays a lesbian for which the actress has received critical acclaim on international platforms. Zareen has also started her own YouTube channel during the lockdown and the beautiful actress will share many more interesting personal facts as well as professional details.
Sukhmani, who is a writer and entrepreneur said, “I know that Indian fans crave to see what their favourite celebs are like off camera, casual and in real life. ‘Sukhmani in Bed’ is a Fun, Light hearted, happy-go-lucky show with my buddies who belong to showbiz world. What I initiated just as a lockdown show to spread some happiness, has now become a popular show and I’m glad I made good use of my time during the pandemic. Apart from giving something interesting to my viewers to watch, distributing hampers and gifts to my winners is my favourite part. I hope to make it bigger and more exciting in the future.”
So, tune into this Friday and watch the hot and sexy Veer actress have bedroom chats with Sukhmani on her show ‘Sukhmani in Bed’.
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