Sony Entertainment Television’s Vighnaharta Ganesh has been beautifully showcasing tales of the famous Jagannath Puri Temple. Taking it ahead, the show is all set to present an encapsulating tale of Gopi Nath Ki Baithak. The story will follow the trail of how Lord Jagannath witnesses the situation of a pujari named Gadahar and how he comes to his rescue and helps him complete his aarti.
In the upcoming episodes, viewers will see how a temple’s pujari named Gadahar wants to chant and do a puja of Lord Jagannath’s murti but, due to his physical weakness, it is difficult for him to climb up and put a beautiful garland around the Lord. Witnessing his bhakt’s distress, Lord Jagannath comes to his rescue and turns himself into a murti and sits in front of Gadahar, letting him do his aarti peacefully. When both Gadahar and Madhav learn of Lord Jagannath’s deed, they get emotional and shocked seeing this avatar of their beloved God.
Talking about the track Hitanshu Jinsi who essays the role of Lord Jagganath shares, “I am blessed to have received the opportunity to portray Lord Jagannath in Vighnaharta Ganesh, I have also become a devotee of him as every story is heart touching and imparts great learning. I hope viewers too have resonate with the episodes and learn the tales of Lord Jagannath through the show.”
Stay tuned and keep watching the tales of Jagannath Puri on Vighnaharta Ganesh, at 8:00 PM every Monday to Friday only on Sony Entertainment Television
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