Vaani Kapoor was in Delhii to wrap up Pooja Entertainment’s forthcoming espionage thriller ‘Bellbottom.’ After completing her portions, as Vaani was about to board a chartered flight, she took to her Instagram and shared this emoji strewn message, “after wrapping up #Bellbottom which for me has been an incredibly delightful experience! Thank you Vashu sir, Pooja aunty, Jackky and Deepshikha for the warm hospitality and for taking such good care of all of us in these testing times, will always remember this beautiful journey.”
Producer Deepshikha Deshmukh too replied in kind and wrote, “What a beautiful journey @vaanikapoor and you were an intrinsic part of it!!! Memories of a lifetime in this difficult, challenging year and the sheer joy of making this magical movie together #Bellbottom. Much love and happiness, till we meet again! “
The ‘Bellbottom’ team has already made history for being the first film during the pandemic to initiate and complete an entire shoot over two international schedules in Scotland and London. The 60 day schedule also had a mandatory quarantine period and stringent safety protocols in place.
The 200 strong cast and crew were taken aboard a chartered plane by the producers Vashu Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh and Jackky Bhagnani to Scotland and all steps were taken to protect the health and well-being of every single person in the unit.
The Ranjit Tiwari film stars Akshay Kumar, Vaani Kapoor, Huma Qureshi and Lara Dutta Bhupathi and will release in April, 2021.
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