Actress Rashika Singh celebrated her 24th birthday which falls on 2 September. To make her birthday even more special, Faisal Khan came from the US and added charm and glitz to her birthday bash.
With her successful binge in the TV show ‘Yeh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai’ and a horror movie ‘Kiara’ in her pillage, she is now stepping into the streaming world. And also on 3rd September she started shooting for her long-awaited movie ‘Beti Hindustan Ki’. The movie is directed by Rahul Khan, written by Israr Sabri and Bablu Bhagal is the associate director. ‘Beti Hindustan Ki ‘stars Manoj Bakshi and Bobby Kumar along with Rashika Singh.
The shooting was postponed earlier due to COVID 19 pandemics. Rashika’s fans will see her in a completely new avatar in the movie. She is excited and said that there couldn’t have been a better birthday gift than the fact that her shooting commenced.
The film will be available on all platforms including AMAZON FIRE STICK, HUNGAMA PLAY, AIRTEL Xstream, TATA SKY Binge , MI TV and other OTT platforms.
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