G Kumar Patil Entertainment presentation, producer Ganesh Patil’s film TU TITHE ASAVE is a romantic love story. Directed by Santosh Gaikwad, the film stars Bhushan Pradhan and Pallavi Patil.
Recently a romantic song “Dhund Bedhund Vhave Mee Swapnat Mazya” was shoot. The song is rendered in the voice of Bela Shende and Swapnil Bandodkar, lyrics by Shrikrishna Raut, music by Dinesh Nimbalkar and choreography by Jeet Singh.
TU TITHE ASAVE also stars Mohan Joshi, Arun Nalawade, Vijay Patkar, Jaywant Wadkar, Sameer Dharmadhikari and child artist master Tejas Patil. The story is written by Aashish and Deepak, cinematography by Bashalal Syed.
Aakash Kandurwar, Prashant Dhomne, Sharad Anil Sharma are co-producers and Rohitosh Sardare is executive producer.
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