Sony Entertainment Television’s mythological show Vighnaharta Ganesh has gained enormous love from its viewers for putting forward mythical storylines. The show showcased a few captivating tales about the famous Jagannath Puri Temple. Portraying the role of Parvati Mata, actor Madrakshi Mundle has managed to play her part with ease and bring out the nuances of her role perfectly. The actor recently revealed that she is a loyal devotee of Lord Shiva and throughout the month of Shravan, observes a fast.
Sony’s Vighnaharta Ganesh to narrate tales of Baiganwaali Bhakt
Expressing her thoughts Madrakshi Mundle says, “I have been a huge devotee of Lord Shiva since childhood. Following in my mother’s footsteps, during the auspicious month of Shravan, to this day I observe a fast and religiously pray to Shivji. Little did I know that blessings would arrive in the least expected but deeply fortunate manner! Essaying the role of Parvati ji in Vighnaharta Ganesh. I am extremely thankful to Sony Entertainment Television and my producers at Contiloe Pictures, Abhimanyu sir and Rupali ji who brought me onboard the project.”
In the upcoming episode, viewers will witness how one of Tulsidas’ old students, Santh will be arriving in town and will begin to provoke everyone against him. He tells everyone to that they should not sit in Tulsidas’ class as he is not an actual teacher. Observing all of this unfold, Prabhu Mahadev along with Mata Paravati will be shocked to see such sudden turn of events.
Vighnaharta Ganesh’s Hitanshu Jinsi and Meghan Jadhav’ strong bond on and off screen
Vighnaharta Ganesh stars Malkhan Singh, Madrakshi Mundle, Tarun Khanna,Hitanshu Jinsi and Meghan Jadhav.
Stay tuned and keep watching Vighnaharta Ganesh, at 8:00 PM every Monday to Friday only on Sony Entertainment Television
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