A few days ago, the much talked about and much awaited Marathi movie ‘Colorful’ was announced. The movie starring Sai Tamhankar and Lalit Prabhakar is coming soon. This movie with a very beautiful and colorful name has been a topic of discussion among the audience since its announcement. Recently a new poster of this movie has been released and the release date has been announced. This movie is coming on 2nd July 2021 to soak in the rain of love.
This new poster is a new color of love that gives a very pleasant experience in this month of love. The pair of Sai and Lalit sitting on the steps in a place lost in a very beautiful, romantic fog looks very charming. His eyes are full of love and the flowers on the ears of both of them are striking on this poster. As the poster of this movie is coming out, the curiosity of the fans about the movie is increasing.
Directed by Prakash Kunte, the film is produced by Maansi and Munna Shukul. Maansi is mainly working in Hindi films and will be screened under the banner of Maansi’s Yantra Pictures and Munna Shukul’s Shukul Showbiz. On this occasion, Maansi of Yantra Pictures Banner says, “I am very happy with the merger of Yantra Pictures and Shukul Showbiz. We will soon be bringing Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati movies together. We are very happy that our Marathi films start with ‘Colorful’ movies. Produced jointly by Yantra Pictures, Shukul Showbiz and Everest Entertainment, the movie, which will be released on July 2, will no doubt show a different color of love to all. “
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