People all over India are upbeat about Navratri and there is something special for Meet Bros & Monali Thakur’s fans. Navratri is just around the corner and the Bollywood music director duo Meet Bros aka Harmeet Singh and Manmeet Singh are all set to make you crazy with their brand-new song ‘Shy Mora Saiyaan’, under the music label MB Music. Meet Bros and the singing sensation Monali Thakur has sung the track.
Since this year started, as MB music promised, the two have been releasing singles with various popular artists and some new talents, for their audiences. This time it is a Navratri special Hindi pop song, which conceptualizes the idea of youthful love with a touch of the 90’s to bring back the days of love, passion, and fun. Directed by Sabina Khan, the song features a fresh pair Tejaswini Lonari and the TikTok star Manjul Khattar, in this foot tapping number.
Excited Monali says, “I have been planning for a long time to collaborate with the Meet Bros for a single. This song is perfect for the festive season, with its groovy Dandiya beats and catchy lyrics that will get everyone on the dance floor. I had a lot of fun working with them and there is something about Garba that gets me grooving.”
Talking about the song ‘Shy Mora Saiyaan’ Harmeet Singh said, “We thought Navaratri is the best time to release the track because our song has Garba beats. We had a melody in mind and we were hunting for the perfect face that is pure, innocent and a bubbly character. That’s when we found Tejaswini Lonari who fit the bill and we found her match in the TikTok star, Manjul Khattar.”
In this song, the beautiful Monali Thakur can be seen playing cupid for the couple. Manmeet Singh says, “Our song is an innovation with a feel of the 90’s that is still loved by all Dandiya fans and such songs are very rarely made now. So, this is just our first offering for this festive season, will come with many more in the coming months.”
So everyone! Keep your Dandiyas ready to shake your legs and to fall in love this festive season on the melody of ‘Shy Mora Saiyaan’. Stay tuned!
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