One of the most loved and versatile actor of M-Town, Swwapnil Joshi announces his birthday return gift in the form of a radio show called ‘Share It With Swwapnil’ for his fans. This show will be aired on Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM wherein his fans can share or confess anything under the sun with him. This show will allow Swwapnil to have a blend of serious and candid conversations on a one on one basis with his fans, giving the listeners a variety of topics to ponder about.
Swwapnil has served more than 20 years in the entertainment industry and has always raised his performance bar to the next level. He’s also exploring web series projects with out of the box content allowing him to experiment with different roles. His work has always been appreciated by his fans and this makes him one of the most lovable actors in the industry.
Swwapnil’s next Marathi film ‘Mumbai Pune Mumbai 3’ directed by Satish Rajwade, this is one of the first Marathi film to have a part three. The series of Mumbai Pune Mumbai have received accolades at the Box office and it seems ‘Mumbai Pune Mumbai 3’ is highly awaited among his fans to spectate another great performance by him.
With “Share It With Swwapnil” airing soon and ‘Mumbai Pune Mumbai 3’, releasing on 7th December. Swwapnil’s fans surely have a lot to look forward to.
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