Shravani Deodhar directed Marathi film Mogra Phulala,which is produced by Arjun Singgh Baran & Kartik Nishandar of GSEAMS (Global Sports Entertainment And Media Solutions Private Limited), has Swwapnil Joshi in lead role. ‘Chocolate Hero’ Swwapnil will be seen in a different look in the film to hit the silver screen across the state on June 14, 2019. The film has created buzz among the Marathi audience due to the different look of Swwapnil and Shravani Deodhar’s directorial comeback after a long time. The curiosity was intensified by the trailer and music launch of the film at a very special function in Mumbai.
As trailer denotes Swwapnil is seen in the role of Sunil Kulkarni the cameo of the film. He is finding difficulties in getting married though he is loves his mother very much. Nina Kulkarni is playing Swwapnil’s mother while national award winner director Chandrakant Kulkarni is in uncle’s role. Najuk Natyancha Gumflela Gajara (The garland of flowers of delicate relations) is the tagline of the film that describes the story line of the film. The audience will remember the film forever and will be satisfied to have watched a film with offbeat background.
Besides Swwapnil Joshi, Mogra Phulala features Sai Deodhar, Neena Kulkarni, Chandrakant Kulkarni, Sandeep Pathak, Suhita Thatte, Anand Ingle, Samidha Guru, Vignesh Joshi, Sanyogita Bhave, Dipti Bhagwat, Prachi Joshi, Vikram Gaekwad, Prasad Limaye,Harsha Gupte, Sonam Nishandar, Siddhirupa Karmarkar, Madhuri Bharti, Suprit Kadam, Anuradha Rajadhyaksha and Aditya Deshmukh.
Rohit Raut has given music to the film, while leading singers Shankar Mahadevan, Bela Shende, Jasraj Joshi and Rohit Raut have sung the songs. Halke An Haluwarasaa… Ho Muka An Alwarasa…”, the song sung by Sahnkar Mahadevan and released recently, is getting overwhelming response from the Marathi audience. Before that a song ‘Manmohini…’ composed by Rohit Raut was released in a function. The song has been sung by Rohit and Bela Shende and filmed on Swapnil Joshi and Sai Deodhar. It has been well received by the audience. ‘Marva…’ another song sung by Jasraj Joshi has become a household number after it was released a few days ago.
“I am in a different look in the film. Very subtle story, melodious music and above all, talented direction by Shravanitai makes the film. The film gave me a satisfaction while shooting it. I am sure the audience too will get it,” said Swwapnil Joshi.
Nina Kulkarni said, “I enjoyed shooting for the film as the director of the film Shravani is very dear friend of mine. I am doing a film with Swapnil Joshi with a long gap of about 14 years. Chandrakant Kulkarni is playing an important character in the film. I have acted in some of very popular plays directed by him. It was a different experience working with him again. It is a very beautiful and sensitive story and gave me satisfaction while playing a mother. I extend my special thanks to the producers Arjun Singh Baran and Kartik Nishandar for producing such a film.”
Shravani Deodhar said, “I am happy that I am making a comeback after a long time through this film. The film has very unique live story woven very subtly. It revolves around a youngster mured in the family issues. He is engaged in the issues so much that he even forgets that he has well past his age to get married. He falls I’m love of a very strong woman with an independent personality. She is very unique kind of a person with upbringing of a different kind. The love story progresses to an advance stage even before he realised that he is in love.”
The film is produced by Arjun Singgh Baran & Kartik Nishandar of GSEAMS (Global Sports Entertainment And Media Solutions Private Limited). Producer of Fugay, Tula Kalnaar Nahi, Ranangan and presenter of Bhikari, GSEAMS is one of the top studios in Maharashtra. GSEAMS has also produced Nakalat Sare Ghadale on Star Pravah. Mogra Phulala will be distributed by Panorama Studios, one of the leading producing and distributing company in Indian Film Industry.
Noted Director Shrabani Deodhar is making comeback after a long break. She has earlier directed some of the well-received Marathi films like Lapandav, Sarkarnama, Lekru, and is also recipient of prestigious awards including Filmfare and Screen, Deodhar is all set to give Mogara Phulaalaa her own touch.
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