The susprense film with tagline ‘Logical World’s Magical Tale’ ONCE MORE teaser was released. Produced by Dhanshri Vinod Patil, Suhas Jahagirdar, co-produced by Vishnu Manohar, Nilesh Lawande and Abhay Thakur, Directed by Naresh Bidkar, the film will release on 12 October 2018.
ONCE MORE stars newbies Ashutosh Patki and Dhanshri Dalvi with Rohini Hattangadi, Purnima Talwalkar, Bharat Ganeshpure, Sushant Shelar, Vishnu Manohar, Naresh Bidkar.
Chef Vishnu Manohar is debuting as producer with this film which is written by Shweta Bidkar. The cinematography is done by Sanjay Singh.
ONCE MORE is joint venture of Vanshika Creation, Devasva Production, Lawande Film and Vishnu Manohar Film.
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