Star Bharat’s new released show Gangs of Filmistan is keeping the audience at the edge of their seat with bringing in the famous Bollywood films in the form of a Gag/ spoof which will make you laugh like no one.
Sunil Grover who is known to have portrayed different characters will be seen essaying the character of Shahrukh Khan from his famous movie Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge. Let me tell you that Sunil has mimicked the Badshah of Bollywood previously and has won accolades for it.
The twist in the plot would be the character of Kajol which will be played by the very own Dr. Sanket Bhonsle. Dr Sanket’s previous character spoof of Preeti from Kabir Singh has made a separate fan base for the actor.
Well the show till now has promised and is proving to be a non- stop entertainment for the fans.
So if you haven’t’ watched the show yet, all you need to do is simply…
Tune into Star Bharat and watch Gangs of Filmistan every Monday to Friday at 8 pm
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