Model-actress-writer Sukhmani Sadana, who wowed audiences with her role in Manmarziyaan this year, impressed onlookers with her glamorous avataar. Recently, she was spotted at the Nykaa Femina Beauty Awards 2019 and the actress looked ravishing in a greyish white metallic gown. Amidst a bevy of Bollywood beauties, the actress stood out with her dress and style so much so that she got many compliments from Bollywood actresses like Tapsee Pannu, Surveen Chawla, Daisy Shah, Raveena Tandon, RJ Malishka and Ahana Kumbra. She said, “I love stepping out on the red carpet. Special thanks to my stylist and make-up artist for this stylish avataar. I am happy that so many people loved my appearance and this just makes me more confident on the red carpet.”
Sukhmani was also seen in web series Sacred Games and has worked as a writer on the on the scripts of Bollywood films like Creature, Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum and 1920 London. The actress who started off as a writer and model, working in TV shows like Khote Sikey, worked with Abhishek Bachchan in Kashyap’s Manmarziyan. She enacts the role of Lovely, a sweet, homely dentist, who Abhishek’s mother wants him to marry.
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