Maharashtra’s beloved superstar Subodh Bhave recently released the trailer of ‘Takatak 2’. On this occasion, Subodh Bhave praised the entire team while recalling the memories of ‘Takatak’. Subodh also wished ‘Takatak 2’ a massive success at the box office. The film ‘Takatak 2’, which will be released on August 18 across Maharashtra, is going to entertain the audience. After the catchy songs like ‘Ghe Takatak De Takatak…’ and ‘Lagin Ghai…’, now the trailer of ‘Takatak 2’ is getting the love of the audience.
The film ‘Takatak 2’ is made from the concept of director Milind Kavde, who always tries to do something different from the mainstream. Milind Kavde has written the story and screenplay of this. The group of friends, their frolics, their awkward interactions, humorous and emotional scenes, interesting songs, and punchy dialogues are the plus point of the trailer for ‘Takatak 2’. After watching the trailer, one can feel that ‘Takatak 2’ offers songs shot in picturesque locations, strong acting by the young actors, the direction with a touch of humor while keeping the sense of social awareness and the rich storyline. The film is an adult comedy balanced with a social message. The trailer for ‘Takatak 2’ is getting a stormy response from the audience within a short time.
The dialogues of ‘Takatak 2’ are written by Kiran Berad and Sanjay Navgire. The film stars Prathamesh Parab, Ajinkya Raut, Pranali Bhalerao, Akshay Kelkar, Bhoomika Kadam, Komal Bodkhe, Sushant Divekar, Swapneel Rajashekhar, Kiran Mane, Pankaj Vishnu, Kiran Berad, RJ Mahesh Kale, Smita Dongre and others. Jai Atre penned the lyrics and the music has been composed by Varun Likhate. Cinematographer Hazrat Sheikh Wali’s beautiful cinematography is riveting and Nilesh Gundale is the executive producer. Background music has been done by Abhinay Jagtap.
‘Takatak 2’ is produced by Reliance Entertainment Studios in association with Purple Bull Entertainment and produced by Omprakash Bhatt, Reliance Entertainment Studios, Naresh Choudhary, and Aditya Joshi. Milind Kavde is the director of this movie.
The film is releasing on August 18th, 2022 in cinemas across Maharashtra.
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