The legendary film-maker Subhash Ghai recently celebrated his birthday in a lavish, star-studded gathering in Mumbai hosted by daughter Meghna Ghai Puri. Seemingly, the celebrations continue for the ‘King of Silver Jubilee!’ Subhash Ghai’s daughter Meghna Puri has recently won the prestigious ‘Achiever’s Award’ at the parliament of the United Kingdom for her immense and varied contribution in the field of media education in India.
The ace film-maker took to Instagram to celebrate the massive achievement posting pictures of his daughter along with the award. The caption read, “How does a father like me feel as now when I come to know that my Daughter MEGHNA GHAI PURI was honoured with an ACHIEVERS AWARD
At UK PARLIAMENT london hosted by Nisau_uk for their alumni at uk for her outstanding contribution in field of media education in INDIA.
Thank you Meghna making us feel Proud in india n @whiistlingwoods
Stay Blessed. N keep soaring my baby 👍👍❤️”
Sharing his delight, he further added, “I remember when I called my daughter Meghna in London after her graduation from King’s College, she expressed her desire to stay in the UK only for a job in management. I told her that she is an Indian and she must come back to India, to serve India only.
Since I was opening a film and media school in Mumbai, I offered her a job to manage the school to prove herself worthy. She agreed and came back to Mumbai to take my challenge. Today she has built up Whistling Woods as one of the top film schools in the world with 16 years of excellence since 2006.
How much can I say about my daughter now – it’s only your guess. I can only smile.”
Subhash Ghai’s daughter Meghna Ghai Puri leads the Whistling Woods International, a film, communication and creative arts institute located in Mumbai, India promoted by Subhash Ghai and Mukta Arts.