Actor and Model Shubham Sharma latest music video, ‘Rim Jhim Gire Sawan’, becomes a hit and has already crossed 167k views in just two weeks. His other music video, Akhiyaa Wala Surma, also became a smash hit and crossed 1 million views in a matter of ten days. This music video comes as the perfect present for Shubham this year as his birthday falls on 19th of September, bringing him double joy.
Talkind to Glamgold, Shubham shares his joy, “I am so blessed that my videos are getting millions of views. I am beyond ecstatic to get such love from my fans. I feel proud when my fans want to click pictures with me, want to talk to me, wish to take me out for coffee. Recently, when I was in Mumbai, I came across a few fans at the airport and even clicked some pictures with them. One police officer, who is my fan, also came to interact with me.”
Shubham who hails from Chandigarh, has done print and catalogue shoots for renowned brands. His music videos like Jaan, Yeah Baby Refix, Ignore, Sach Manu Ya Fareb, Teri Khaamiyan, Aakhri Mulaqat, Qadar, Set Hai have also garnered millions of views.
Talking about ‘Rim Jhim’ the actor said, “This is a beautiful song. The original song, “Rim Jhim Gire Saawan” sung by legendary singer Kishor Kumar ji is one of my favorite songs. I feel lucky to work in a reprised version of the song that was picturised on the great Amitabh Bachchan ji. Secondly, monsoon is my favorite season. The beauty of nature blooms everywhere. Monsoon is indeed the season of love.”
The music videos Shubham has worked in are sung by popular singers like Surinder Jit Maqsoodpori, Gurman Maan, Garry Sandhu, Akbar Alam, Anirudh Kaushal, Akhil, Jharna, Poorva Sharma, Gurmeet Singh.
When asked about his experience working in music videos, Shubham said, “I like music. I love to hear soothing music or romantic instrumental music especially in the morning and preferably with a cup of coffee. I believe music is a great medicine and is healing. When I’m travelling, I make sure that I dedicate at least one day where I can be close to the nature and listen to the music of nature – be it birds, the wind, the ocean etc.”
So the musical journey of Shubham continues and we await to hear and watch more from him.
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