Actor Shreyas Talpade, who rose to fame with Subhash Ghai’s Iqbal, is now trying his luck in the field of direction. After directing the film Poster Boys starring Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol, Shreyas is now shooting for his second directorial venture ‘SarCar Ki Seva Mei’. The shooting of this film is going on at Trimurti Studio in Mumbai. Shreyas Talpade is the director along with the hero in this film. Producer Hariharan J Iyer’s film is being produced under the banner of Saish Venture Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Inspired from a real life incident ‘SarCAR Ki Seva Mei’ is a roller coaster laugh riot journey with a deep rooted social message which makes the film relevant and topical in contemporary times. Some of the shooting of the film will be done in Lucknow, the capital of UP.
Shreyas Talpade said that like the title of the film, its story is also quite unique. This story is about a boy from a small town whose father is in government service and who wants his son to also go to government service but unfortunately he does not get a chance to serve the government and he gets engaged in car service.
The film’s director and actor Shreyas Talpade further said that whatever troubles people go through in common life, all that has been tried to be shown in this movie. The film stars Shreyas Talpade, Chetna Pandey, Shraddha Jaiswal, Sudhir Pandey, Anil Charanjit, Nikhil Mehta. The film’s DOP is Suhas Gujrathi, music composer Rohan Rohan, story writer Vikram Shankar, screenplay and dialogue writer Bunty Rathore, production designers Tajammul Anwar Sheikh and Anshita Sethia, EP Shankar Dhuri.
At a time when Content and Concept films are so immensely liked by audiences across the country we hope ‘SarCAR Ki Seva Mei’ will not only touch a chord with movie goers but also add to the fabulous repertoire of successful films like Iqbal, Welcome to Sajjanpur, and Dor of the Director turned actor.
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