After giving the Marathi cinema industry blockbusters films like ‘Baghtos Kay Mujra Kar’, ‘Bus Stop’, ‘Babu Band Baja’, ‘Online Binline’, ‘Me Pan Sachin’, and now Shreyas Jadhav is all set to come to the audience with another fantastic film. Earlier, Shreyash Jadhav had written and directed ‘Me Pana Sachin’. Now he has written and directed another new film. This film, which has a different name as ‘Phakaat’, will be released on May 12 and the poster of this film has recently unveiled on social media. The film is a highly confidential roller coaster starring Hemant Dhome, Avinash Narkar, Suyog Gorhe in lead roles. Presented by Vakratund Entertainment, Ganraj Studio Productions, the film is produced by Nita Jadhav.
Avinash Narkar is standing with a wallet between Hemant Dhome and Suyog Gorhe on the poster. Confidential is written on this envelope. Now we have to wait for some time to get the answer as to what secret is hidden in this packet.
Director Shreyash Jadhav says, “Once again I am coming to meet the audience with a nice film. It is an action comedy film and many things are confidential as of now. Will be unfolded slowly. It is a family entertainer film and will definitely entertain the ‘phakaat’ audience.
Shreyas Jadhav is the managing director of Ganraj Associates, producer and writer as well as a young film-maker. After debut directorial film Me Pan Sachin, Pune Rap fame Marathi rapper King JD aka Shreyas Jadhav is all to tickle your bone with comedy film Phakaat. “It is a complete family entertainer with powerful action scenes in the climax which normally we do not get to see in Marathi comedy films,” adds Shreyas. The film stars Hemant Dhome, Suyog Gorhe, Avinash Narkar, Kabir Duhan Singh, Anuja Sathe and Rasika Sunil in pivotal roles.