The stage of Sony Entertainment Television’s musical reality show Indian Idol Season 12 has opened avenues for talented singers like never before. With notable names attached to the show, the upcoming weekend episode will see the presence of Bollywood industry’s Shotgun – Shatrughan Sinha along with his wife Poonam Sinha for the Shatrughan and Poonam Sinha Special episode. Greeting the man who has surprised the world with his amazing acting prowess, the upcoming episode will see budding contestants crooning to some of his superhit songs. It will also be a treat for the fans of Shatrughan Ji who would be seen singing a song for his ladylove.
Along with this, the contestants will also receive a lot of guidance and appreciation from the Bollywood star Shatrughan Ji himself. Keeping the entertainment quotient alive, Shatrughan Ji will be seen engaging in a lot of candid conversations with the judges and share some instances from his yesteryears.
Adding an exciting layer to this the host Aditya Narayan will be seen humoring the audiences while the judges Anu Malik, Sonu Kakkar and Himesh Reshammiya will be seen enjoying the company of the inspiring Shatrughan Sinha and Poonam Sinha with the contestants of the show.
Stay tuned and keep watching Indian Idol Season 12, every Saturday and Sunday at 9:30 pm only on Sony Entertainment Television.
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