Jhootha Kahin Ka trailer that has been highly trending all across the country staring the extremely talented Rishi Kapoor, Sunny Singh, Omkar Kapoor, Jimmy Sheirgill, Lillete Dubey and Manoj Joshi the film is directed by Punjabi hit filmmaker Smeep Kang and produced by Anuj Sharma & Deepak Mukut.
The makers have now released the first song from their music album which is a party anthem song of the year ‘Saturday Night’ sung by Neeraj Shridhar and Jyotica Tangri.
The song is already on the hit list with its eye striking lights and glamour. The song will be staring the attractive Natasha Stankovic, Sunny Singh, Omkar Kapoor and the dapper rapper Enbee.
The song has created a party mood all around the country with its blazing energy, crazy lyrics, maddening dance that people are not able to stop themselves to listen it on repeat. Although the fans still have to wait for the release of the film, this song surely is something to keep them engaged till the release.
‘Jhootha Kahin Ka’ is directed by Smeep Kang and produced by Anuj Sharma and Deepak Mukut under the banner of Shantketan Entertainment Films and presented by Soham Rockstars Entertainment. The film is set to release on 19th July 2019.
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