Actor Sanjay Khapare will be next seen in a pivotal role in the film STORY OF LAGIR. The film will release on January 14, 2022 staring Roheet Rao Narsinge, Chaitali Chavan and Rutuja Andre.
Ever since the teaser poster of the Marathi film ‘Story of Lagir’ was unveiled on social media, this film has created a lot of buzz. The motion poster of this film has been launched with the announcement on social media few time before and now the poster of the film was recently launched. Royal Samruddhi Associates and Swaroop Vaishali Balasaheb Sawant presentation, G. K. Films Creations production, the film is produced by B. N. Meshram and co-produced by Yamini Waghde. The film is directed by Roheet Rao Narsinge who has also written story, screenplay and dialogues. Cinematography is by Mangesh Gadekar, music by Sunny-Sushant and Atul Siddhesh, lyrics by Nihar Rajhans, B. Gopanarayan and Media Works Studio has done the post production.
The film is set against the backdrop of a village, with love story and politics at the center of the film. The film stars Roheet Rao Narsinge, Chaitali Chavan, Rutuja Andre, Mohan Jadhav, Somnath Yelnure, Sanjay Khapare, Milind Dastane, Premakiran and many more.
Rohit Rao Ransinge will be playing the character of Rohit in this film while Rutuja Andre will play his beloved. Chaitali Chavan plays the character of an important girl who comes into his life at the most crucial moment. Sanjay Khapare plays the police Inspector, while Somnath and Mohan play the roles of Rohit’s close friends.
According to the makers this film will present the new form of love story and therefore will be a treat to Marathi audience.
Sanjay Khapare is an actor, known for Rocky Handsome (2016), Fakta Ladh Mhana (2011) and Vitthala Shappath (2017). He made his Hindi debut in Rocky Handsome 2016. He debuted in Marathi film Jatra 2005 and since then is known to play various character roles and roles parallel to lead cast.
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