T-Series and Keep Dreaming Pictures’ upcoming romantic comedy drama Ghudchadi directed by Binoy Gandhi commences shooting today in Jaipur. The iconic Jodi of 90s, Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon are pairing together yet again for this comedy flick. Alongside this entertaining duo, the film also features Khushalii Kumar and Parth Samthaan. This Binoy Gandhi’s directorial is a roller-coaster ride full of fun, romance, and drama, penned by Deepak Kapur Bhardwaj & Binoy Gandhi.
Tandon and Dutt are the hit duo of the 90s who knew how to set the screens ablaze. With this film the duo rekindle the spunk of their on screen chemistry that got the town talking. Through the extensive prep and workshops, the crew can’t stop raving about how effortless the chemistry between them is.
The makers of the film took to their social media platform to share the glimpses from the mahurat puja along with teaser video.
Gulshan Kumar and T-Series present a T-Series & Keep Dreaming Pictures production titled GHUDCHADI. Directed by Binoy Gandhi, the film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Nidhi Dutta and Binoy Gandhi.
As an assistant director and director Binoy Gandhi is known for Fanaa (2006), Gayab (2004) and Teri Meri Kahaani (2012), Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic (2008), Ta Ra Rum Pum (2007), Darna Mana Hai (2003). As a director he has done TV series Oye Jassie and TV movie Ishq Holiday. Binoy has acted in Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic. He has been married to Nidhi Dutta, daughter of film-maker J. P. Dutta and actress Bindiya Goswami.
Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon has worked together in KGF Chapter 2 after many years. Before the pair was seen in Aatish, Jeena Marna Tere Sang, Zamane Se Kya Darna, Vijeta.
In 2015, Khushalii Kumar debuted in the Bollywood song video Mainu Ishq Da and has since appeared in popular songs like Highway Star, Raat Kamaal Hai, Mere Papa, Ik Yaad Purani. Parth Samthaan has done Kaisi Hai Yaariaan, Kasautii Zindagii Kay, Kehne Ko Humsafar Hai 2 and many more shows.
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