Actress Sakshi Pradhan, who has done many TV shows like Naagin, Tamanna, Bigg Boss 4 is going places. She is also seen hosting the Travel Show ‘Kissed By The Sea’, which is showcased in 70 countries across the world. The actress, who is looking like extremely sensuous and glamorous with her svelte figure, will now be seen in the rib tickling horror comedy Booo Sabki Phategi. The actress will be seen along with Bollywood actors Tusshar Kapoor and Mallika Sherawat in it.
She said, “The series revolves around how a newly wedded couple embark on a honeymoon and a group of friends plan to surprise their old friend on the trip. Malllika specially took some time away to come to me and compliment me for my work. She really liked my acting and she also appreciated how I did the small kissing scene with much grace. Like I mentioned before the series revolves around how I am married to Vipul Roy and then there is a honeymoon sequence, where I have a kissing scene with him. I am really happy that an actress like her who has done so much work appreciated my work. She found my performance very elitist and graceful. She felt that I really shined out in my performance.”
Sakshi is an Indian TV actress, model and a travel host. She started her career at the age of 18 and won season 2 of the reality show MTV Splitsvilla.
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