Sagar Parekh who has done serials like Balika Vadhu 2, Tera Yaar Hoon Main is shooting for Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan. Although his track is not really on right now because there is something else going on in the story. In between, he worked for an amazing web show called Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan. This youth-based show on MTV also garnered good reviews.
Sagar has done parallel leads in a few shows. Ask if he thinks it becomes difficult for an actor, playing a parallel lead, to bag the lead role and Sagar replies in negative. “I think I’m just waiting for the right time. I’ve different plans and I don’t see it that way. I just want opportunities where I can showcase my talent. For every character that I’ve played so far, I tried to give my all. For me, quality matters over quantity. Yes, I want to play leading roles, it’s a dream, but I don’t want to rush into things.”
This struggle does not disappoint Sagar. The actor says that everyone needs to hustle to fulfill their dreams. “Today’s audience is smart. Shows cannot run on two-three people—hero, heroine and the villain. It has to be teamwork. In Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s movies or any great movie for that matter, all characters are given importance. Times have changed. It is all about how good the story is and how well everyone performs,” he adds.
About the kind of roles he is looking out for, Sagar Parekh adds, “I don’t want to repeat my characters. Till now I have done seven to eight shows, few of them are parallel leads, and I have made sure every character looked different, be it with my appearance, acting or my performance, or energy level. I love challenging roles.”
TV as a medium is very demanding. “It is true because there is a lot of responsibility in terms of looking good, your acting skills, your memory, competition and there is so much chaos that you have to be on your toes no matter what. You have to be prepared for everything. You also don’t have time for your personal life as doing a daily soap means you are shooting back-to-back days. But that’s how it is. TV as a medium teaches you a lot, makes you tough,” he says.
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