Riya Soni is the new entry in Jatin Sethi, Mahesh Pandey and Piyush Gupta’s Aggar Tum Na Hote. The actor, who will play the role of Shagun in it, says that she finds the title of the show unique. Given that it is based on a superhit song, it also catches the attention of the viewers.
“Shagun is a very reserved girl, introvert and thinks a lot before speaking. She doesn’t like to involve much into anything and gets nervous easily. A doctor by profession, she is very simple, soft-hearted and innocent. The similarity between Shagun and me is that we both are ambitious and career-oriented,” she says.
Riya Soni is happy collaborating with the producer trio on this show. “All the producers are very good as they explain the character in detail, which is really helpful for the artists. The set vibes are also positive. Everyone is ambitious and dedicated towards their work. This sort of inspires me to give my best whenever I’m facing the camera,” she adds.
Many feel the TV industry has evolved in terms of content. Riya also agrees and adds that she has learned a lot being a part of showbiz.
“The evolution of the TV industry has given opportunities to a lot of new talents which is a very positive thing. People are now ready to experiment with new content and fresh faces all the more. My journey in the entertainment industry so far has been good. I have learnt a lot as an aspiring artist and look forward to gaining more knowledge,” she shares.
Talking about surviving in the new normal, the actor says, “Living in the new normal is uncomfortable because watching people getting sick and not being in the best of their health worries me. The surge in cases is also bothering me a lot. I just hope everything gets better soon and would urge everyone to take precautions, follow all the norms.”
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