Actor Rishikesh Wamburkar who rose to fame with TV serials Shubhamangal Online, Ajun Hi Barsat Aahe, will now be seen in the film. Rishikesh is playing a pivotal role in the upcoming film ‘A Fakta Tuch’, which is currently being shot.
Hailing from Aurangabad, Rishikesh is a trained artist. He has studied drama and acting from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. He has made his mark with programs like Comedy Bimedi, Comedy Chi Bullet Train, Shubhamangal Online, Chandne Shimpit Jaashi, Ajun Hi Barsat Aahe.
Now he will be seen in Jaideep Film Production’s film ‘A Fakta Tuch’ directed by Ranganath Baban Pachange. The film also stars Chinmay Udgirkar and Suruchi Adarkar in lead along with Madhuri Pawar, Shilpa Thakre, Tejeshwini Shirke and Geet Nikharge.
Speaking about his role in the film, Rishikesh said, “It is a different experience to read the role of Pakya and to play the role on screen. There was excellent tuning between the director and the cast. I am very happy to be a part of this movie. Special work has been done on my look in the film. This movie will definitely prove to be different in my career so far.”
The film is produced and directed by Rangnath Baban Pachange. The story is written by the director himself, screenplay and dialogues by Praful S. Charpe, cinematography by Ranjit Mane, art direction by Sagar Gaikwad, costumes by Priyanka Dube and make-up by Sameer Kadam. Raju Bhosale is creative producer and Mangesh Bhimraj Jondhale is executive producer.
Chinmay Udgirkar made his debut in Marathi film industry with movie Shyamche Vadil in 2012. He also acted in another film which name was Vaajlaach Pahije. He acted in Colors Marathi‘s Ghadge & Suun (2017). Suruchi Adarkar has acted in Ka Re Durava, Chala Hawa Yeu Dya : Ladies Jindabad & Avaghachi Sansar, Aapala Bua Asa Aahe, Olakh, Ek Taas Bhutacha, Anjali & Ek Ghar Mantarlela and Pehchaan.
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