Actor Reyaansh Vir Chdha who is currently part of ‘Yeh Hai Mohabbatein,’ says that his journey in showbiz has not be independent of ups and downs. But he has learnt a lot along the way. “I have seen a lot of ups and downs in my career. There was a time when I got shows back-to-back and then there was a time where I had to wait for another show to happen. So, the phase where I was looking for opportunities, that time made me a better person. That period taught me a lot. If I would have been working, I would have not looked into myself so closely. This journey has made me learn patience, which is the key factor in this industry to work and to succeed,” he says.
Talking about his role in YHM, he says, “This guy is a younger brother in the family, who is studying abroad and is flamboyant, very much like today’s youth. Karan is a positive character but has many layers because he loves his family and, at the same time, lives life to the fullest. He has girlfriends, parties a lot and is very social media savvy.” Ask him if he prefers negative or positive characters, and he says, “I love both positive and negative because both have different shades. If you are playing an anti-hero with both shades, that is great then.”