The highly-anticipated Marathi film, “RANGILEY FUNTER,” has unveiled its trailer, promising a blend of uproarious comedy and unexpected twists. The narrative centers around the theme of love during school years, the trials faced in pursuit of it, and the ensuing excitement. The film, produced by Prashant Adsul and Shashikant Adsul of A. K. International Movies has garnered praise at various film festivals and is scheduled for release on November 3, 2023.
Directed by Nishant Natharam Dhapse, “RANGILEY FUNTER” boasts an impressive creative team. The story, screenplay, and dialogues are crafted by Akshay Gore, while the film’s lyrics are penned by Nitin Raikwar and Kaustubh Panat. Raja Ali takes charge of the music direction, with Rajdutt Revankar handling cinematography. The choreography is skillfully executed by Phulwa Khamkar, and Siddesh More oversees the editing. Prakash Shingare leads the art direction, and Babasaheb Patil serves as the executive producer.
Watch the trailer here
The film RANGILEY FUNTER stars a talented ensemble cast, including Hansraj Jagtap, Rupesh Bane, Jeevan Karalkar, Yash Kulkarni, Milind Shinde, Kishore Chowghule, Siya Patil, Palak Adsul, Danny Adsul, Vaishali Dabhade, and Arun Geete. The trailer of RANGILEY FUNTER unveils a comical tale in which four school friends vie for the affection of the same girl, leading to a series of humorous and tangled situations. The film explores the concept of first love experienced during school days, a sentiment cherished by many. As the name suggests, “RANGILEY FUNTER” promises an entertaining cinematic experience, evoking the tender nostalgia of youthful affection and the lighthearted chaos that ensues. Get ready for a delightful journey into the world of school-time romance and friendships when the film hits the big screen.
A. K. International Movies presentation RANGILEY FUNTER, produced by Prashant Adsul and Shashikant Adsul, directed by Nishant Natharam Dhapse will release on 3 November 2023 in cinemas near you. So enjoy this Diwali with nostalgic feel.